At this Level any funds I receive from film or TV go to charity:
A Cause for kids in Need
Autism Speaks
Give Kids a Chance
Saint Judes Hosptial
Hope for kids
Habitat for Humanity
However FICO Financial Services Inc., KeithMiddlebrookProSports.com, and now LAW OFFICES OF KEITH MIDDLEBROOK LLP are my companies I created to do the Most Powerful Legal and Financial services in the World, November 11, 2012 marks 15 years helping others……………………
I Started on November 11, 1997, because people said “it was impossible and it couldn’t be done”, which is the core reason of why I do what I do. More to come………………
Divisions of Keith Middlebrook Enterprise LLC
Keith Middlebrook
Pictured above: Keith Middlebrok leaving Chateau Marmont “My favorite Restauruant in Hollywood”. October 2012
Pictured above: Left to Right 1. As agent Newhouse in “J Edgar Hoover” 2. As a Cop in the finale “Iron Man 2” 3. As a Studio Executive in Ari Gold’s office “Entourage Season 5” 4. As Officer Arnold in “CSI Las Vegas” 5. “Southland” 6. “Castle’ 7. “90210′ 8. As Coach Parker in “Moneyball” 9. “Teen Choice Awards” 2009 10. w/Gwyneth Paltrow and Sam Rockwell in “Iron Man 2” 11. Ferrari 12. As Mr. Vanderbilt in Bad Teacher 13. “Entourage Season 6” w/ Jeremy Piven 14. “Wanted” 15. “Entourage Season 4” w/ Emanuel Chrique 16. w/Lindsay Lohan and Steve Wheatcroft 17. w/ Megan Fox “Transformers” Party
To Learn More about Keith Middlebrook visit these sites:
follow me @4kmiddlebrook
Pictured below: Keith Middlebrook at the charity event for “Autism Speaks”, Jonas Brothers were among those present. Great turnout!