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I was proud to give to theVeterans of WWII for these tickets to the “The Internship” world premier for my daughter Corrina and myself, Co-staring Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson. This movie is a hilarious “must see” comedy of the year!

You HAVE to see “The Internship”!

Below with Josh Brener of The Internship at Westwood California on May 29, 2013.

If you love great movies, Go See the Internship!

I was proud tho give to Veterans of WWII and enjoy this great movie with my daughter Corrina.

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follow me on twitter @4kmidddlebrook
*As I was fortunate to give to the Veterans of WWII the day after memorial day, I was shattered to hear that of a Squadren of 12 who had parachute to storm the Beaches of Normandy only 2 came back, all men between the ages of 18-20. The gentleman whom I had purchased them from was 1 of the 2. Lets not forget because of ALL these brave men and women who have sacrificed and served in ALL branches and ALL Departments, we are allowed to enjoy this beautiful country. More to come…..