Pictured: Our Massive Majestic Beautiful Koi in the 10,000 gallon swimming pool at our Murrieta CA Estate…Keith Middlebrook. Koi Living Jewels of the Earth – Keith Middlebrook and Corrina Middlebrook
My daughter Corrina and I have raised our beautiful Koi since she was 4 years old. It’s an awesome experience words can’t describe. Ancient cultures consider Koi” living jewels of the earth”. Koi are said to amplify meditation, prayers, visualization and goals a thousand times over and allow super creativity in a beta state of super consciousness. Raising Koi are also great when raising kids, teaching valuable fundamentals and spiritual consciousness and are a blessing and mesmerizing to gather around all year with family, friends and associates. A few of them were the size of a pea at birth and now are over 3 feet long, many are over 25 years old that were flown in from Germany and Niigata Japan. Our oldest just turned 29 this past February 2012. Our 10,000 gallon swimming pool is their home outside the living room and kitchen window in our Bear Creek Estate in Murrieta California. – Keith Middlebrook
Keith Middlebrook Enterprise LLC
Pictured below: Kids are a lot of fun and give a whole new meaning to life. My daughter, Corrina Middlebrook on guitar, at our Laguna Beach property – KeithMiddlebrook
“Dad & daughter” Keith Middlebrook and Corrina Middlebrook. I have the most awesome daughter a dad could ever have. – Keith middlebrook