KEITH MIDDLEBROOK, ELON MUSK, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, real iron man, iron man 2, keith middle brook actor, tesla, space x, KEITH MIDDLEBROOK FOUNDATION, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Megan Fox, AI.
Keith Middlebrook meeting Elon Musk at Chateau Marmont in Hollywood, both appeared in a Marvel Studios film called Iron Man 2. A great discussion is Computer cars that drive themselves and the intriguing topic of the upcoming Artificial Intelligence or AI.

Computer cars that drive themselves with GPS and Sensors while you sleep or read a book and is safer than human driving and potentially no more DUI.
Artificial Intelligence, AI, that could potentially think for themselves and terminate humans as spam.
Life potential on Mars, and affordable planetary space travel and long term life support.
The Developer of the Premium High Performance Electric Cars with Zero Carbon Emissions for the ultimate protection of the Environment and less dependency on fossil fuels.
Solar City is the company Elon Developed to Generate your own clean energy instead of paying for traditional electricity. Solar power can actually cost less than you pay now with low, locked-in rates. The savings can add up to thousands! There’s no upfront cost, you only need a good roof, because solar panel installation is included at no additional cost.
“If one can figure out how to effectively reuse rockets just like airplanes, the cost of access to space will be reduced by as much as a factor of a hundred. A fully reusable vehicle has never been done before. That really is the fundamental breakthrough needed to revolutionize access to space.”
Elon Musk
Featured in IRONMAN 2:
Keith Middlebrook – Officer Wilson, Expo Cop and Stark Industries Pit Supervisor, Monaco Speed Way.
Elon Musk – Billionaire Inventor who mentioned and an Electric Jet to Tony Stark (Robert Downey JR.) at the Monaco Speed Way party.
Larry Ellison – Himself
Stan Lee – Larry King
Iron Man 2, Marvel Studios.
November 18, 2014
Keith Middlebrook
Iron Man 4,
Larry Ellison
the “ICar”
more Elon Musk