Elon Musk, Keith Middlebrook, Black Adam, Kanye West, Aaron Judge, Tom Brady, Google Keith Middlebrook, #ElonMusk, #KeithMiddlebrook, Lindsay Lohan Netflix, Wakanda Forever, Floyd Mayweather, Elon Musk Twitter,
Two Real Iron Men: Keith Middlebrook and Elon Musk. My friend Elon has now purchased Twitter for 44 Billion ($44,000,000,000.00 USD) So now there can be real “Freedom of Speech” instead of Censorship. Dems, Liberals, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Mainstream Media and Gov Agencies Hate Freedom. So now Elon can Re-Instate my Twitter @4KMiddlebrook with 2.4 Million followers that Jack Dorsey shut down for promoting Donald Trump. Then the Democrats shut down @realDonalTrump. After the Democrats smashed, burned, destroyed American Cities for 9 months on TV and also killed 336 black people around the Nation.