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I had the opportunity briefly chat with Kim Kardashian and her mother Kris Jenner for a little bit.
I mentioned the upcoming NBA Allstars weekend. By the way, Kim’s a big basketball fan now that she’s dating Kris Humphries of the Nets…of course!
I also congratulated Kim on her new show “Kourtney and Kim Take New York”. She told me she has had tons of fun doing the show and is very pleased with how popular it has become. She works very hard, and has an incredible schedule and is a true Entrepreneur deserving of all her success.
Although I’ve met Kim in passing several times before, this was my first time to be able to say “hi” with Kim or her mother Kris. I have to say they are such nice people. Kim Kardashian is extremely down to earth yet also very focused. I wish Kim the best with her new show and great success in the future with all her endeavors! -Keith Mioddlebrook

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